Friday, August 21, 2009

Let’s begin with level flying …

Borrowing from the words of Jonathon Livingston Seagull, as he started with his new gulls, he said, “Let’s begin with level flying.”

As we begin this new semester, I’m going to be taking a lot of the two classes – Stress Management, the Art of Emotional Wellness – into the digital, technological, and WWW world. It’s going to be fun and interesting to watch it develop in this direction, but I’m excited for the challenge it presents.

As we pursue this path, let’s first ask ourselves, “How happy am I?” “What things do I find stressful?” “Is my stress taking its toll on how well I’m doing with my health, my performance, my relationships, and anywhere else?”

Ask yourself also, what would it be like to be living your life without the stress?

Wouldn’t that be nice?

Well that’s where we’re going in the next three months … so hang on, feel free to contribute, and enjoy the ride?