Friday, December 2, 2011


This class discusses the concept of “body testing”. Body testing is a way or method in which a person can “test” if a food, idea, or a fact tests strong for a truth or tests weak for an untruth. Each result is personal and is to be presented in the present state. Body testing can be another method or path that  shows a trust that the body knows what is best at the moment.

Wellness - Body Testing

This class discusses the concept of "body testing". Body testing is a way or method in which a person can "test" if a food, idea, or a fact tests strong for a truth or tests weak for an untruth. Each result is personal and is to be presented in the present state. Body testing can be another method or path that  shows a trust that the body knows what is best at the moment.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


This class continues the discussion on how perspectives and beliefs connect to the body and has an effect on the level of health experienced. The ideas of forgiveness, empowerment and self-responsibility add to the wellness and peace of the mind and body.

Wellness - The Mind-Body Connection - Part 2

This class continues the discussion on how perspectives and beliefs connect to the body and has an effect on the level of health experienced. The ideas of forgiveness, empowerment and self-responsibility add to the wellness and peace of the mind and body.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011


This is part 2 of the introduction of Yoga as a practice for stress reduction, health and wellness. A variety of poses are introduced and practiced. Yoga is a practice of listening to the body and calming the mind. This balance creates connection and mindfulness that reduces the effects of stress.

Stress Management - Yoga - Part 2

This is part 2 of the introduction of Yoga as a practice for stress reduction, health and wellness. A variety of poses are introduced and practiced. Yoga is a practice of listening to the body and calming the mind. This balance creates connection and mindfulness that reduces the effects of stress.

Thursday, November 17, 2011


This class explains the basic type of yoga that increases flexibility, balance and strength of the physical body. Doing yoga poses with a mindfulness towards the body and listening to its cues actually reduces the stress response and increases wellness for body and mind.

Stress Management - Yoga

This class explains the basic type of yoga that increases flexibility, balance and strength of the physical body. Doing yoga poses with a mindfulness towards the body and listening to its cues actually reduces the stress response and increases wellness for body and mind.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


This class continues the discussion on the concept of “The Field” and how it can be accessed by a thought to assist in the process of creation. The movie, “The Secret”, is introduced and will continue into part 3 of this subject.

Wellness - Spiritual Well-Being- The Field - Part 2

This class continues the discussion on the concept of "The Field" and how it can be accessed by a thought to assist in the process of creation. The movie, "The Secret", is introduced and will continue into part 3 of this subject.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This class introduces the basic technique of meditation. The benefits resulting from  daily meditation practice is discussed.  The ability to  lower the stress response, achieve deep levels of brainwave activation and improve restorative benefits to the individual physically and mentally are discussed.

Stress Management - Meditation

This class introduces the basic technique of meditation. The benefits resulting from  daily meditation practice is discussed.  The ability to  lower the stress response, achieve deep levels of brainwave activation and improve restorative benefits to the individual physically and mentally are discussed.

Monday, November 14, 2011


This class discusses the realm of quantum physics. The concepts of particles, matter and space are explored as a window into the realization that all things, from the smallest microscopic organism to the largest elements of the Universe are connected and related. The field of energy that is through and within all elements of atoms are discussed.

Wellness - Quantum Field

This class discusses the realm of quantum physics. The concepts of particles, matter and space are explored as a window into the realization that all things, from the smallest microscopic organism to the largest elements of the Universe are connected and related. The field of energy that is through and within all elements of atoms are discussed.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This class discusses the necessary steps to achieve empathic listening. When using empathic listening as a natural tool towards  communication in relationships, a sense of openness and understanding is achieved.

Wellness - Relationships - Empathic Listening

This class discusses the necessary steps to achieve empathic listening. When using empathic listening as a natural tool towards  communication in relationships, a sense of openness and understanding is achieved.

Monday, November 7, 2011


In this class we focused on common ways that people listen that don’t work toward effective communication, namely autobiographical listening.

Wellness - Relationships Part 2

In this class we focused on common ways that people listen that don't work toward effective communication, namely autobiographical listening.

Friday, November 4, 2011


This class describes the dynamics of relationships and refers to the different types of “love languages” that people identify with. Exploring and discovering what types of behaviors are related to one’s definition or meaning of love assists relationships. Being aware of how each other gives and receives love ultimately increases the intimacy of the relationship and is fulfilling for each individual.

Wellness - Relationships

This class describes the dynamics of relationships and refers to the different types of "love languages" that people identify with. Exploring and discovering what types of behaviors are related to one's definition or meaning of love assists relationships. Being aware of how each other gives and receives love ultimately increases the intimacy of the relationship and is fulfilling for each individual.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Wellness - Serendipity Part 3

This is the last in a series of classes on the concept of serendipity and how we can consciously be aware of how it works in our lives and the perspectives that are needed in order to recognize the power of serendipity in our lives.

Monday, October 31, 2011


This class discusses with exploring statements how the concept of serendipity is defined and acknowledged in one’s life. Recognizing the pattern of serendipity in life and viewing the perspective that “there are no accidents” brings an awareness of gratitude to our past events and an open mind to the possibilities of the future while finding peace in the present.

Wellness - Serendipity Part 2

This class discusses with exploring statements how the concept of serendipity is defined and acknowledged in one's life. Recognizing the pattern of serendipity in life and viewing the perspective that "there are no accidents" brings an awareness of gratitude to our past events and an open mind to the possibilities of the future while finding peace in the present.

Friday, October 28, 2011


This classes discusses the topic of serendipity. The concept that there is an “all knowing, powerful force” that knows what is the best for us and wants what is best for us. It’s our job to own the perspective that we are part of this powerful all encompassing force. The idea that the experiences we have are part of the “happy accidents” that are called our lives can be seen as part of a  “perfect plan” and may surprise us that experiences can be even better than we once thought.

Wellness - Serendipity

This classes discusses the topic of serendipity. The concept that there is an "all knowing, powerful force" that knows what is the best for us and wants what is best for us. It's our job to own the perspective that we are part of this powerful all encompassing force. The idea that the experiences we have are part of the "happy accidents" that are called our lives can be seen as part of a  "perfect plan" and may surprise us that experiences can be even better than we once thought.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


This class discusses how the power of creating visualizations and imagery to assist the sub-conscious mind to support one’s desires are accomplished. Visualizations are written and an experiential exercise is performed to begin the process of planting the imagery into the sub-conscious mind.

Wellness - Visualizations

This class discusses how the power of creating visualizations and imagery to assist the sub-conscious mind to support one's desires are accomplished. Visualizations are written and an experiential exercise is performed to begin the process of planting the imagery into the sub-conscious mind.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


In this class, the influence  of music on inducing relaxation and decreasing stress are discussed. Scientific studies are examined and the types of music styles are experienced.

Stress Management - Music

In this class, the influence  of music on inducing relaxation and decreasing stress is discussed. Scientific studies are examined and the types of music styles are experienced.

Monday, October 24, 2011


This class discusses the various methods that people use to combat stress. The methods are labeled on a continuum from, “least effective” to “most effective”. Interestingly, the behaviors that most people choose to relieve stress are not the most effective forms.

Stress Management - What Else Can I Do?

This class discusses the various methods that people use to combat stress. The methods are labeled on a continuum from, "least effective" to "most effective". Interestingly, the behaviors that most people choose to relieve stress are not the most effective forms.


This class discusses the elements of affirmations that make them effective tools for change. Speaking in the positive and in the present tense are some of the proven elements that supports the sub-conscious in activating the positive mental outlooks and behaviors for effective change.

Wellness - Effective Affirmations

This class discusses the elements of affirmations that make them effective tools for change. Speaking in the positive and in the present tense are some of the proven elements that supports the sub-conscious in activating the positive mental outlooks and behaviors for effective change.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


This class is part of a series relating to the functions of the conscious and the subconscious. The fundamental choices of conscious thought and words influence the power of the subconscious. The subconscious is compared to a computer that has millions of programs running and the conscious is the aspect that analyzes, judges and chooses what programs to run. When the conscious is not actively engaged in focusing on a particular program, the subconscious programming takes over.

Wellness - Conscious/Subconscious - Part 3

This class is part of a series relating to the functions of the conscious and the subconscious. The fundamental choices of conscious thought and words influence the power of the subconscious. The subconscious is compared to a computer that has millions of programs running and the conscious is the aspect that analyzes, judges and chooses what programs to run. When the conscious is not actively engaged in focusing on a particular program, the subconscious programming takes over.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


This class discusses the concept of time and how we can arrange our events in our lives to match with our values and accomplish all the variety of activities that make up a balanced life. When we take full responsibility for the choices in our lives and learn how to schedule the events that make up our lives in a sequential order, inner peace is the result.

Stress Management - Time Management

This class discusses the concept of time and how we can arrange our events in our lives to match with our values and accomplish all the variety of activities that make up a balanced life. When we take full responsibility for the choices in our lives and learn how to schedule the events that make up our lives in a sequential order, inner peace is the result.

Monday, October 17, 2011


This class is a second in a series on the function and processes of the conscious and sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious is compared to a tape player that has been downloading information, without judgement, since the beginning of life. The conscious mind can re-tape over  the sub-conscious messages that can lead to more positive and  growth-promoting changes in our lives.

Wellness - Conscious/Sub-Conscious - Part 2

This class is a second in a series on the function and processes of the conscious and sub-conscious mind. The sub-conscious is compared to a tape player that has been downloading information, without judgement, since the beginning of life. The conscious mind can re-tape over  the sub-conscious messages that can lead to more positive and  growth-promoting changes in our lives.

Friday, October 14, 2011


This class focuses on the process of the conscious and the sub-conscious in creating outcomes in our lives. When we recognize the importance and the use of the sub-conscious mind in our lives, we can begin to understand how to “program” the sub-conscious with the assistance of the conscious in making positive changes in our beliefs and behaviors.


This class focuses on the process of the conscious and the sub-conscious in creating outcomes in our lives. When we recognize the importance and the use of the sub-conscious mind in our lives, we can begin to understand how to “program” the sub-conscious with the assistance of the conscious in making positive changes in our beliefs and behaviors.

Wellness - Conscious/Sub-Conscious Mind

This class focuses on the process of the conscious and the sub-conscious in creating outcomes in our lives. When we recognize the importance and the use of the sub-conscious mind in our lives, we can begin to understand how to "program" the sub-conscious with the assistance of the conscious in making positive changes in our beliefs and behaviors.

Thursday, October 13, 2011


This class finishes the area on values. The sub-conscious is influenced by the values that are important to us and when our behavior and values are in conflict, negative emotions, feelings of unrest and stress may be the result. As a person examines and make decisions that match their value hierarchy, peace and contentment, physically and emotionally are the outcomes.

Stress Management - Values - Part B

This class finishes the area on values. The sub-conscious is influenced by the values that are important to us and when our behavior and values are in conflict, negative emotions, feelings of unrest and stress may be the result. As a person examines and make decisions that match their value hierarchy, peace and contentment, physically and emotionally are the outcomes.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Stress Management - Values

This class examines the differences between individual values and behaviors. When a person behaves in ways that are in conflict with one's values, decision-making feels like a difficult process. When a person takes the time to assess and examine their value hierarchy and understands the uniqueness of the Self, inner peace and balance is achieved and decision making becomes easy.

Monday, October 10, 2011


This class discusses the topic of fear and how nothing is inherently fearful. We are conditioned to be fearful and , therefore, we can be UN-conditioned as well. Becoming aware that fear is only the story we tell ourselves, we can start to question and observe the thoughts that induce the fear reaction within our bodies. We can question any thoughts that attach fear and limit our experience of growth and accomplishing our desires. Our past experiences can be a tool to realizing that we can do whatever we desire and that we will be all right. Fear exists only because we attach some belief of pain with a thought about the future. Freedom of fears that limit our actions and desires can be accomplished.

Wellness - Fear

This class discusses the topic of fear and how nothing is inherently fearful. We are conditioned to be fearful and , therefore, we can be UN-conditioned as well. Becoming aware that fear is only the story we tell ourselves, we can start to question and observe the thoughts that induce the fear reaction within our bodies. We can question any thoughts that attach fear and limit our experience of growth and accomplishing our desires. Our past experiences can be a tool to realizing that we can do whatever we desire and that we will be all right. Fear exists only because we attach some belief of pain with a thought about the future. Freedom of fears that limit our actions and desires can be accomplished.

Friday, October 7, 2011


This class presented the question, “What are they thinking?”. Focusing on this question as we go about our lives usually induces a feeling of fear that stops and blocks us from acting on or doing things we would truly like to do. The fallacy of the question was examined. Since we can never know what other people are thinking or feeling, we can choose to live our lives according to our values and desires. Realizing that other people cannot hurt us, regardless of their judgements, allows us to stop worrying about what others think and frees the mind to accomplish all that we desire without allowing fear to get in the way.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


This class describes how visualizations and our most dominant thoughts work with the subconscious to create the beliefs or outcomes that result in our experience.

Stress Management - Visualization

This class describes how visualizations and our most dominant thoughts work with the subconscious to create the beliefs or outcomes that result in our experience.

Friday, September 30, 2011


This is part 2 of the discussion on “mindfulness”. Mindfulness is when a person is being aware of their senses in the present moment which includes the five senses as well as any internal senses that one is feeling. There is no stress in the present moment. When a person connects a thought with a threat in the context of the past or  future, anxiety and stress will be the response and the physical body will respond to that condition. Practicing mindfulness will assist in detaching from thoughts that are connected to a threat and peace will be the result.

Mindfulness - Part 2

This is part 2 of the discussion on "mindfulness". Mindfulness is when a person is being aware of their senses in the present moment which includes the five senses as well as any internal senses that one is feeling. There is no stress in the present moment. When a person connects a thought with a threat in the context of the past or  future, anxiety and stress will be the response and the physical body will respond to that condition. Practicing mindfulness will assist in detaching from thoughts that are connected to a threat and peace will be the result.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


This class explores how nothing external is inherently fearful. Fear is a conditioned response and can hinder a persons realization of goals and desires. Because fear is learned it can also become UN-learned as well. When discussing fear of failure, one can choose a fear-based perspective resulting in limiting behaviors or see results as outcome based which leads to possibilities and exploration beyond the scope of one’s “comfort zone”which results in growth.

Stress Management - Fear

This class explores how nothing external is inherently fearful. Fear is a conditioned response and can hinder a persons realization of goals and desires. Because fear is learned it can also become UN-learned as well. When discussing fear of failure, one can choose a fear-based perspective resulting in limiting behaviors or see results as outcome based which leads to possibilities and exploration beyond the scope of one's "comfort zone"which results in growth.

Breathing Techniques Reduce Test Anxiety and Increase Performance

Have you ever been disappointed with a test score because you knew you could have done better but were just so nervous you didn’t do your best? How about on a job interview, or when giving an important presentation?

It turns out just by breathing a certain way, you can increase your performance, here's how.

Monday, September 26, 2011


This class introduces the concept of mindfulness. The principles underlying mindfulness is that we can only be in the here and now in each moment. The senses communicate to us what we are experiencing at the present moment.   When we bring our consciousness to the present reality, there is no stress in the  moment. When we allow our thoughts to drift to either the past or the future and attach some kind of threat to those thoughts, we create stress and our body reacts with the stress response.

Wellness - Mindfulness

This class introduces the concept of mindfulness. The principles underlying mindfulness is that we can only be in the here and now in each moment. The senses communicate to us what we are experiencing at the present moment.   When we bring our consciousness to the present reality, there is no stress in the  moment. When we allow our thoughts to drift to either the past or the future and attach some kind of threat to those thoughts, we create stress and our body reacts with the stress response.

Friday, September 23, 2011


This class teaches the steps and techniques used to perform EFT. An exercise in EFT is performed and discussed. There are many uses for EFT, both emotionally and physically. It is not necessary to discover or examine the causes of one’s emotional or physical pain in order for EFT to be effective.

Wellness - The technique of EFT

This class teaches the steps and techniques used to perform EFT. An exercise in EFT is performed and discussed. There are many uses for EFT, both emotionally and physically. It is not necessary to discover or examine the causes of one's emotional or physical pain in order for EFT to be effective.

Thursday, September 22, 2011


This class is a second in a series discussing mindfulness. Chinese philosophy and the steps necessary to achieve mindfulness are  presented. When a person successfully practices the elements of mindfulness, the awareness of a peaceful experience is created. Tuning into one’s senses and observing the environment in the present moment is the practice of being mindful.

Stress Management - Mindfulness - Part 2

This class is a second in a series discussing mindfulness. Chinese philosophy and the steps necessary to achieve mindfulness are  presented. When a person successfully practices the elements of mindfulness, the awareness of a peaceful experience is created. Tuning into one's senses and observing the environment in the present moment is the practice of being mindful.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Managing the Waves and Leaks in Time

When I was fourteen years old, I went to California with a group of kids my age. We went to Santa Monica Beach to see the ocean. None of us had been there before so this was a real treat for us. When we got there, we decided to try bodysurfing. We saw others doing it and it looked fun and much less difficult than regular surfing. Soon we learned how it was done and found ourselves out in the water preparing for the waves to come our way.

When a large wave approached, I started swimming as hard as I could hoping to time it perfectly. I found myself riding the wave in toward the shore. Suddenly, the wave pulled me down, headfirst into the sand under the water. I hit with a strong force, but I was okay. I gathered myself and came up for air only to have another wave pound me again. Down I went to the ocean floor. I lost all control. The only thought that came to my mind was that I needed to get above the water to get some air. I struggled and finally made it to the surface. Gasping for air, another wave knocked me off my feet and sent me quickly back down to the sandy sea floor.

This struggle with the sea lasted two more waves. At that point, my energy was spent. Fortunately, the waves had pulled me close enough to the shore where my friends, who saw what was happening, quickly dragged me to safety. I rested for quite some time until I regained sufficient strength to go back out into the ocean.

When people tell me about their days and about how they spend their time, it sounds a lot like my experience that day in the ocean. Wave after wave of stressful events knock them off their feet. They are barely able to come up for air when another “wave” hits them. Soon, they wear out, fatigued from the constant daily battle.

In the present moment, we are always free to choose what we do. You may think that you have to do something, but you don’t. Nobody is forcing you to do anything at any time. There are consequences for what you do, and you may not want those consequences, but you always have a choice about what you do.

When I mention to my students that they always choose how they spend their time, they become uncomfortable. They are not accustomed to having that much freedom. I tell them that they don’t have to be in class, they don’t have to go to work, they don’t have to eat lunch at a certain time, and they don’t have to sleep the same hours of the night that “normal” people sleep. They really don’t have to do anything. They always have a choice about what they do with their time – always. We say that we “have to” do something or we “have to” be somewhere, but we don’t. What we do with our time is always our choice.

Now that we know that we always choose how we spend our time, we also realize that we also always receive the consequences for how we chose to spend that time. Those consequences can be good or not so good depending on the choices we make.

The real problem most people have with time management is not the amount of time they have to spend, but how they spend the amount they have.

Here is one of the most important things you can possibly do to get out of the pounding surf and really manage your time.  Keep an up to the minute time log for at least one day.

Think about it, no quality plumber would go in and start replacing pipes before he knew where the leaks were, right? So it is with our time. When I ask my students to keep an up to the minute time log for just one day, they come back absolutely amazed because they now realize where all the time leaks are and it becomes a lot more obvious how to fix them.

Even though keeping a time log is one of the most important, eye-opening activities a person can experience in time management, some people will not do it.

Why? It may be that when people are faced with the reality of the amount of time they waste, they realize that they will have to be responsible for that time from here on out. People, who want to stay stuck, don’t want to change. They want to blame something that is “out of their control,” like not having enough time in the day to do everything they “need” to do.

The thing they don’t realize is that they need to figure out how much time they actually have before they can decide how they will spend it the most efficiently.  Time logs help to figure that out.

Take the challenge. Keep an up to the minute time log. Keep a paper and pencil with you all day. Every few minutes, or every time you change activities, write down what you have done and how many minutes you were at it.

Be sure to include computer time, talking on the phone, texting, making meals, flipping through the television channels, making dinner, driving, doing homework, cleaning, getting ready for bed, or if you are like my wife, the time standing in a room because you forgot what you were going to do when you got there. I think that happens to everybody.

The most important thing to include may be transition time. That is the time it takes you to move from one activity to the next. Transition time is similar to being in survival mode, like when I was recovering from one wave and just before I was going to be hit by the next. There is a lot of time and energy wasted without a lot of productivity during transition time. This may be time looking for your keys before you leave somewhere, the time in between eating a meal and beginning your homework, or the time after the television show is over and you actually turn off the lights and go to sleep.

Be brave. Be honest. This is one thing that can get you out of being stuck in the “doldrums” and on your way to becoming a productive, happy, less stressed person. If you have the courage to really see where the time leaks are and become responsible for fixing them, you will have an excellent foundation for the other principles in time management yet to come.

Do I Have Insomnia?

Insomnia is generally taking longer than 20-25 minutes to fall asleep which occurs more than three times a week.1 According to Sleep Expert Michael J. Breus, PhD., at any given time, one third of the population will have trouble falling asleep, and ten percent of those have chronic insomnia.

This means a myriad of extra health problems for many chronic non-sleepers, not to mention the frustration of not being able to fall asleep when you know you need it. (See Sleep - Frequently Asked Questions for more help and information on health problems associated with not getting a good night’s rest).

There are many things that may affect your ability to fall asleep including the amount of light you get in the day and the darkness of your room at night, (see Why Bright Lights and Dark Nights are Essential for Sleep). For many distractions like having young children, teenagers, traveling, schedule changes, health issues or injuries, diet, and other factors may inhibit the ability to fall asleep temporarily.

One of the most common causes of insomnia, and chronic insomnia, is anxiety. Racing thoughts, fears, feelings of needing to do something, and tight muscles, keep many people from relaxing and falling asleep each night. Not being able to fall asleep can increase anxiety and the whole cycle just seems to get worse.

How can you turn off those thoughts and fears, and relax your muscles into peaceful slumber? It turns out that there are several things that have proven quite helpful.

Try These Three Tips for Overcoming Insomnia

Worry Journal – There is an amazing power in getting out frustrations and fears on paper. Many people actually feel a physical and emotional release when they write about their day. Sometimes solutions to problems present themselves while writing. If not, just the ability to state worries on paper and then put them aside for the night is beneficial. Some people keep the journals, and some throw the papers away. Either way seems to help those who want to fall asleep.

Progressive Relaxation – According to sleep expert, Michael J. Breus from the National Sleep Institute, progressive relaxation (the gradual tightening and releasing of muscles) might be one of the very best ways to overcome insomnia. By tightening and loosening your muscles, your body and mind become naturally relaxed and ready for deep rest. Progressive Relaxation

Distractions – Believe it or not, counting sheep may help. Tricking our minds to think of other, more mundane things can help it to relax and fall asleep. Some suggest counting backwards from 300 by three’s. 1 Another constructive distraction is listening to a relaxation exercise like deep breathing while in bed. Visit the SMP store to find a progressive relaxation and other relaxation exercise downloads that may help you.

1. “Good Night. The Sleep Doctors 4 Week Program to Better Sleep and Better Health,”Dr. Michael J.Bruess Ph.D.


This is the second in a series of classes introducing the concepts and practices of EFT as a tool towards health and wellness. The basic theory and principles of ancient Chinese holistic wellness concerning the meridians of energy, including acupuncture, was discussed


Wellness - Introduction to EFT - Part 2

This is the second in a series of classes introducing the concepts and practices of EFT as a tool towards health and wellness. The basic theory and principles of ancient Chinese holistic wellness concerning the meridians of energy, including acupuncture, was discussed


Tuesday, September 20, 2011


This class focuses on the difference between the reality of the present moment through the senses versus the perceived reality of past and future events and how the body responds in relation to those perceptions. When consciousness is in the present moment, stress does not exist.

Stress Management - Discovering What is Real

This class focuses on the difference between the reality of the present moment through the senses versus the perceived reality of past and future events and how the body responds in relation to those perceptions. When consciousness is in the present moment, stress does not exist.

Monday, September 19, 2011


This class introduces how EFT was discovered by the instructor. Personal experiences and those of various people who have used the technique of EFT were discussed. The practice of EFT has been a growing technique for many years and the results have proven to be beneficial in the area of mind-body wellness.

Wellness - Introduction to EFT

This class introduces how EFT was discovered by the instructor. Personal experiences and those of various people who have used the technique of EFT were discussed. The practice of EFT has been a growing technique for many years and the results have proven to be beneficial in the area of mind-body wellness.

Friday, September 16, 2011


This class demonstrates some basic poses and stretches performed during yoga. As a participant begins to practice the mindful breathing during the different positions and listens to the body, a balance between the mind and body is attained. Yoga continues to be a leading force in the attainment of health and wellness. A daily inclusion of its practice is encouraged.

Wellness - An Introduction to Yoga - Part 2

This class demonstrates some basic poses and stretches performed during yoga. As a participant begins to practice the mindful breathing during the different positions and listens to the body, a balance between the mind and body is attained. Yoga continues to be a leading force in the attainment of health and wellness. A daily inclusion of its practice is encouraged.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Yoga has been proven to be an excellent practice to help reduce stress and limit the stress response. An introduction to yoga and its various positions and stretches are presented and performed.

Wellness - Introduction to Yoga

Yoga has been proven to be an excellent practice to help reduce stress and limit the stress response. An introduction to yoga and its various positions and stretches are presented and performed.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Stress-Management - Perception & Interpretation Part 2

This class continues to focus on the reality and importance of perception and interpretation as the basis of all stress. Included in this class discussion continues to look closely on how choice and the ability to re-frame a perspective can aid in reducing the stress response. Realizing that external events are not inherently stressful but it is how we "perceive"  the event that activates the stress response.


Monday, September 12, 2011


The focus of the class is on the benefits of meditation towards health and wellness. The process of meditation is discussed and the class is guided through a meditation exercise.

Wellness - Meditation Exercise

The focus of the class is on the benefits of meditation towards health and wellness. The process of meditation is discussed and the class is guided through a meditation exercise.

Friday, September 9, 2011


This class discusses the various activities that deactivate the stress response within the body. The types of activities are rated from “poor to best” in effectiveness. How the activities relate to the stress response are discussed.

Wellness - How to turn off stress

This class discusses the various activities that deactivate the stress response within the body. The types of activities are rated from "poor to best" in effectiveness. How the activities relate to the stress response are discussed.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Wellness - Stress management - Harmful Effects of Chronic Stress

We spent the entire class learning what happens to the mind/body when the stress response is chronically activated. New insights about how nearly every malady and chronic condition in our society has a stress component ... unnecessarily.


This is a short video discussing relaxing breathing as a way of interrupting the stress response. A short discussion on naps, as well as various types of breathing relaxation are included in the discussion. This discussion took place before we practice the relaxation exercise in class.

Stress Management - Relaxing Breathing Relaxation Exercise

This is a short video discussing relaxing breathing as a way of interrupting the stress response. A short discussion on naps, as well as various types of breathing relaxation are included in the discussion. This discussion took place before we practice the relaxation exercise in class.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


This class focused on the reality and importance of perception as the basis for all stress. Included in this discussion was an emphasis on choice and the ability to think of things differently. Events don’t lead to stress. It is always our thoughts about the events, and how we interpret the events, that activate the stress response.

Stress Management - Perception Part 1

This class focused on the reality and importance of perception as the basis for all stress. Included in this discussion was an emphasis on choice and the ability to think of things differently. Events don't lead to stress. It is always our thoughts about the events, and how we interpret the events, that activate the stress response.


This class is a mind/body wellness approach to stress management. This is the first of a few days of stress management focus. We explore why we have the stress response in the first place and the reality of perception as the basis for stress.

Wellness - Stress Management Part I

This class is a mind/body wellness approach to stress management. This is the first of a few days of stress management focus. We explore why we have the stress response in the first place and the reality of perception as the basis for stress.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

How Do Books and Downloads Relieve My Stress?

When you are under stress, your autonomic nervous system thinks you are being threatened and turns on the stress response. This is the mechanism that helps you get out of dangerous situations. Some people refer to it as being in “fight or flight” mode.

Hormones like adrenaline and cortisol rush through the body. The heart beat, breathing rate, and blood pressure increases. Blood and energy is diverted away from things like digestion and the immune system to places like muscles which may need extra energy to escape danger. This response is designed to be short-lived, only on for a few minutes at a time.

Saturday, September 3, 2011


Welcome to the Stress Management Place.

Our Mission is simple:


These are stress filled times. Consider these facts:

  • 75-90% of adult visits to primary care physicians are for stress related problems.

  • 89% of adults describe experiencing "high levels of stress."

  • 1 million employees are absent on an average workday because of stress related problems.

  • More people have heart attacks on Monday morning at 9:00 A.M. than at any other time of the week.

We strive to provide for you the tools that can help you manage stress more effectively and thereby, live more satisfying and rewarding lives. We believe that personal health and wellness means being able to do whatever you want to do at the level you want to do it. Health is not an end but a means to accomplishing everything else you want to do in life.

Combined with proper nutrition and appropriate exercise, managing stress will allow you to accomplish your goals and desires joyfully, with far less stress, and with an abundance of energy.

We will you help you get there.

This website is your online resource designed to help you feel a lot better. Our goal is to provide you with resources such as: books, online media, articles, information, and other resources that can help you achieve a happy, healthy, and productive life.

All Stress Begins with our Thoughts

All stress begins with a thought. It isn’t what’s happening “out there” that initiates the stress response. It’s how we interpret what’s happening “out there” that causes us to become stressed or not. We call this a perception of a threat. If we think this situation will lead to some kind of pain (emotional, mental, spiritual, or physical), we turn on the stress response automatically to prepare for the potential pain. The potential pain is what we call a “threat.” Prevention of stress, then, is best done by focusing on our thoughts, by changing how we think about those things we think are threatening.

This first Blog looks directly at our thoughts and some things we can ask ourselves to help us prevent stress:

Parable of the Stacked Stones

stacked stones on lots of small rocksI love to bike, hike, and run in the hills and mountains of northern and southern Utah. I love the workout of going up. I love the thrill and speed of coming down. Best of all, I love the views I get when I reach the tops of the trails.

How Do Books and Downloads Relieve My Stress?

When you are under stress, your autonomic nervous system thinks you are being threatened and turns on the stress response. This is the mechanism that helps you get out of dangerous situations. Some people refer to it as being in “fight or flight” mode.

Hormones like adrenaline and cortisol rush through the body. The heart beat, breathing rate, and blood pressure increases. Blood and energy is diverted away from things like digestion and the immune system to places like muscles which may need extra energy to escape danger. This response is designed to be short-lived, only on for a few minutes at a time.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Stairs vs. Escalator

Check out this website I found at